CT@TP Activities
Computational Thinking at Torrey Pines High School

Are you just joining us? Have you missed a workshop? Do you want to revisit that cool exploration we did last week? Below are links to our activities.

Original Activities and Conversations

Unless otherwise noted, the original activities listed below were written by Abby Brown. These Wolfram Language notebooks contain step-by-step annotations along with extra notes and options. The links below are listed roughly in the order as shared at CT@TP meetings with the earliest at the top to later at the bottom.

A.I. Adventures from the Computational Thinking Initiatives

The A.I. Adventures are published by the Computational Thinking Initiatives and are linked to the files on the Wolfram Cloud web site. When viewing an A.I. Adventure on the Wolfram Cloud, you may select "Open In" at the bottom of the window and choose from among other useful options, such as downloading the notebook file so you may run it directly in Mathematica (recommended).

Additional Resources

Be sure to check out the following pages as well. 


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