
Course Topics

Algebra I lays the foundation for all higher mathematics. This course will cover expressions, equations, integers, axioms, polynomials, quadratic equations, linear functions, exponents, radicals, rational expressions, and inequalities.

Introductory Letter

Dear Students and Parents/Guardians,

As part of a standards-based curriculum, you/your student will be engaged in a variety of instructional strategies and assessments. Through presentations, interviews, pictures, project journals, reflective writing, peer critique, and videotape I hope to record the progress of your/your student's learning. My goal is to enhance all students' learning through reflective practice, a framework for learning that my colleagues and I have found motivating and effective.

One of the strategies that I employ to cultivate my own learning as an educator is to share what I do in my class with others--teachers, administrators, parents, students, and professionals in and outside of the Torrey Pines High School community. In a few weeks I will send home a letter describing more details of the project I have in mind and will be asking for your permission to share your student's work with others.

I am looking forward to this new school year with much enthusiasm. Each student will have the opportunity to explore new mathematical ideas and share what they have learned with others. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me through the school at (858) 755-0125 ext. 2120 (voice mail only) or abby.brown@sduhsd.net (e-mail preferred).

Estoy anticipando con mucho entusiasmo este nuevo a�o escolar. Cada estudiante tendr� la oportunidad de explorar nuevas ideas matem�ticas y compartir lo aprendido con otros. Si tiene algunas preguntas o preocupaciones, por favor me llama a la escuela a (858) 755-0125 ext. 2120 o abby.brown@sduhsd.net.

Thank You/Gracias,
Abigail Brown



Students in Ms. Brown’s classes recommend the following for success in class:

Bring Each Day

Rules and Expectations


Homework Procedures

Homework is assigned each class period. Homework is due at the beginning of the next class period. Students are to turn in assignments to the basket by the classroom door. While students work on the Warm-Up assignment during the first few minutes of class, Ms. Brown checks each assignment briefly for completion and gives it a score from 0 to 5. Assignments are then returned to the students. All answers not listed in the back of the book are read out loud and students are given an opportunity to ask questions about the assignment. Students are allowed and encouraged to make corrections to the assignment and may copy down any problems done on the board for clarification. After the class is satisfied that all questions have been answered, students exchange papers for accuracy grading. Ms. Brown places detailed solutions to about 5 of the assigned problems on the board and tells students exactly what to look for to award each half-point for a total of 5 more points. (Students do not know ahead of time which problems will be graded.)

This process sounds more complicated than it actually is. I have found it to be a fair way to grade homework for both completion (up to 5 points for effort) and accuracy (up to 5 points for correctness). In theory, all students can earn the maximum 10 points on each assignment if they try hard before class and pay attention and make corrections in class. Students who figure this out early are usually very successful in my Algebra I classes.


60% Tests and Quizzes
30% Homework and Class Work
10% Projects  (projects, presentations, group activities, etc.)
100% Final Grade

Please note that grades are updated and posted in the classroom approximately every two weeks. Progress reports are distributed mid-quarter and are also available upon request: abby.brown@sduhsd.net.

Test Make-Up Policy

Any student who is absent on the day of a test or quiz may make it up only at the following times for the appropriate quarter.

First Quarter
Wednesday, October 29, 2003 -- 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Thursday, October 30, 2003 -- 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM

Second Quarter
Wednesday, January 14, 2004 -- 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Thursday, January 15, 2004 -- 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM

Third Quarter
Wednesday, March 24, 2004 -- 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Thursday, March 25, 2004 -- 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM

Fourth Quarter
Wednesday, June 2, 2004 -- 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Thursday, June 3, 2004 -- 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM

Also, if a student does very poorly on a test, he or she may take that exam to the Math Center, the Tutoring Center, a parent, a personal tutor, or Ms. Brown for some extra help. Whoever helps the student needs to sign the original test paper. That exam then becomes a “ticket” for a make-up test (different test, same material) which may be taken at one of the times listed above. This make-up policy for low test scores does not apply to quizzes.

Students need to come to class, especially on days of tests and quizzes. Students need to study and do the best that they can on the day of the original exam. On the make-up days students will only have one hour to make up all needed tests and/or quizzes. Students who abuse this policy will be denied the opportunity for make-ups.

If you have any questions or concerns about this policy or your student’s progress in class, please feel free to contact me at school (abby.brown@sduhsd.net). Also, continue to check my web site for updates, course policies, and other information and activities for students.

Links to Practice Self-Tests Below


course outline


Calendars and Planning

Text: Algebra I: California Edition, Prentice Hall, � 2001 (Publisher�s Web Site).
Please note that these outlines are subject to change and that some teachers will cover the material in a different order.

If you have trouble reading the PDF files, try downloading the most recent version of Adobe Reader.

Self-Tests for Studying

Below are links to multiple choice self-tests for each chapter. These are on the Prentice Hall web site for students to use along with this textbook.

1 Introduction to Algebra 7 Graphs and Linear Equations
2 Integers and Rational Numbers 8 Systems of Equations
3 Equations 9 Inequalities and Absolute Value
4 Inequalities 10 Rational Expressions and Equations
5 Exponents and Polynomials 11 Radical Expressions and Equations
6 Polynomials and Factoring 12 Relations and Functions
  13 Quadratic Equations
